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您的当前位置:网站首页 » 产品展示 » 晶体 » Cr4+:YAG
浏览量:1315 上传更新:2017-09-20

Cr4+:YAG Crystal is an excellent crystal for passively Q-switching diodeCr4YAG pumped or lamp-pumped Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 or other Nd and Yb doped lasers at wavelength from 0.8 to 1.2 µm. Because of its chemical stability, durability, UV resistance, good thermal conductivity and high damage threshold (> 500 MW/cm2) and easy machining, it is replacing traditional materials, such as LiF, organic Dye and color centers.

Advantages of Cr4+:YAG Crystals

●High power laser pulses without electro-optic Q-switches

● Good thermal conductivity

● High damage threshold

Basic properties of Cr4+:YAG from Crysor’s:

● Sizes–Diameter:3~12mm H×W:2×2~30×30mm

● Polished and AR coated

● Initial transmission 5%~95%@1064nm

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