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您的当前位置:网站首页 » 产品展示 » 通讯光学 » 消色差波片
浏览量:2765 上传更新:2017-09-20

Achromatic Waveplates, AWP, provide a constant phasewaveplate4 shift independent of the wavelength of light that is used.This wavelength independence is achieved by using two different crystalline materials to yield quarter- or half-wave retardation over a broad spectral range.The Retardation tolerance of our AWPs is better than λ/100 over the entire wavelength range.The flat response of an AWP is ideal for use with tunable lasers,multiple laser-line systems and other broad spectrum sources

Crysor’s AWPs are designed to effectively eliminate the wavelength dependence over a wide spectral range,typically several hundred nanometers.Our AWPs are available for four wavelength ranges:VIS (450-680nm),NIR (700-1000nm),950-1300,1200-1650.The AWPs are air spaced construction in a black anodized aluminum housing.Fast axis is marked on the mount.Custom assemblies,including cemented versions,are available to meet your specific requirements.

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