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您的当前位置:网站首页 » 产品展示 » 通讯光学 » 双波长波片
浏览量:2698 上传更新:2017-09-20

These dual wavelength multiple order waveplates are madewaveplate5 a piece of quartz which has been precisely polished. Its thickness is controlled to provide half wave retardation at one wavelength and full wave retardation at a second wavelength.

They are offered for Nd:YAG harmonic wavelengths and can be used to separate the harmonic beams by means of a change in their state of polarization. A half wave plate has a net retardation of π and rotates the plane of polarization by 90°.

A full wave plate has a net retardation of 2π and rotates the plane of polarization by 180°. The two harmonics will therefore emerge with crossed linear polarizations.

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